Thursday 2 May 2013

Question 2

I had time to change and seperate my questions so I decided to do question 4 and 5 together and question 2 seperately.

2.How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Theese are my final products of my front cover,contents page and double page spread.I think my product represented my social group that i aimed it towards very well because of the colouring of the fonts that I used were quite girly and feminine e.g pinks,purples, also the font style is quite vintage and flowy.This can relate to the audience as they can clearly see that the magazine is set out for the target audience which is girls.

This would be the sort of artists that my viewers are interested in so i included theese within the magazine, Also my target audience would be interested in this sort of style and appearence of the artists which will encourage them more to read it.Throughout the magazine the language used is aimes towards a teen audience, with specific topics I spoke about and the language I used which suited that age range.My magazine has quite a vintage feel which can relate to the audience being indie/pop style as they normally represent this type of unique and indie style.I thought i would keep my font style easy and clear to read but varied it slightly so it was suited to a younger audience.

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