The double page spread I chose to analyse is of the Rapper ASAP Rocky. The heading on the top of the page following the house style again, says ‘Q NOW’ this heading shows that the music magazine is very up to date and encourages the reader to read on as many people are interested in reading up to date magazines and know about new artists and hottest ones in the month or week that they read the magazine. Underneath it explains what the page will be about in a little short sentence, encouraging the reader to read on and know more about “the month’s hottest new talent”. The main focus of the double page spread is of the artist himself, which shows the audience what the artist looks like and his appearance therefore this will help them to remember what he looks like and keep an image of him in their heads, Also if they haven’t heard of the artist before they may be willing to read on to know about the type of music that he makes and creates, even though some of his image may give this off they will be willing to read on and learn more about him. The article has been placed in a greyish coloured boxed which makes it easy and clear to read for the audience it also fits well with the theme colour of the page being quite dark with greys and blacks- which shows the professionalism of the magazine. On the side of the article, at the bottom there is a website and more additional information for the reader, this will encourage them to read more of the magazine and think they are getting the most of their money as it gives them additional and helpful information. The pull quote at the bottom of the page on the right hand side also follows the house style of white and red, this will follow well with where the audiences eyes are focused on the page as it will first go to the picture and then on
the pull quote which will give them more information on what they will be reading about within the magazine.
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