Monday 28 January 2013

What I Have Learnt From Research

From looking at different types of magazines, and on the internet of music magazines.I learnt that for the type of genre I am looking at to base my magazine on I need to use simple colours that contrast well together e.g. White and Red or Black and White.And maybe include another brighter colour that will also brighten up the page to make it more appealing to the audience when it is on a shelf.Also I need to make sure that on the contents page of the magazine there is different articles that are available to the target audience, and many pictures of the artists are available so they have a clear view of what and who they are reading about in the magazine.Also I picked up that the front cover needs to be the most eye catching and appealing to the audience with little bits of information that they can pick up on in order to see what will be inside the magazine and be satisfied with it before buying it.Also I learnt that magazines shouldnt be too over priced, as many sales are declining because of the internet and pricing on the internet is much cheaper therefore customers are going for the cheapest products which are on the internet.From looking at research I have chosen to do an indie/pop magazine as it was the most popular type of magazine in the age group I was looking for and was the most popular type that is sold in stores.My target audience that I have chosen to aim the magazine at is for 17+ year olds as this was also the most type of common age group to read theese types of magazines.

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