The front cover of the magazine I analysed was for NME- this has been shortened from New Musical Express which can show that it is aimed at a younger audience as it is easier for them to remember and seems more young as it has been broken down and abbreviated.This genre of magazine is for indie/rock type of audience that like rock music e.g. Greenday and Indie like the Foo Fighters.The front cover of the magazine is very bold and bright and would appeal easily to the audience when it is on shelves, the yellow,red,white and black contrast very well together as using two boring colours against whiter ones has a big impact.The front cover has two images which are medium close up of two different artists from different bands, here the colouring has a red line to one artist and the other artists background has a black bacground.This relates to the big yellow font in the middle that says "Battle of the rock gods".The colouring shows this as the squiggly line in between the two artists is made to look as though it has been ripped apart this can relate to the younger audience being more to the male side than the female side because men are more interested in as violence and fighting appealing.The medium close up pictures are also taken of the artists in their live shows this is good as it is promoting live music showing it is professional and real , and allows the audience to have a clear view of what the artists are really like in their live shows it also allows the audience to feel as though they were there at the concert and are included within it.Which can encourage them to go and see the shows.Towards the bottom of the page there are also many smaller images of different bands who were at Reading Festival, which the magazines main focus is on.It allows the audience to view pictures from the festival giving them more of an experience if they went there and some memories but also an insight into what it was like for people who didnt go there, the many images show that there is alot to offer inside the magazine and the audience will be enticed to buy the magazine as they will most likely be satisfied to what is inside. I know this issue of the magazine mostly points at a indie/rock audience because as the main focus is Reading Festival it is based on this type of audience.The black and red normally relate to violence and fighting, however the yellow contrasts this and makes it more appealing to take away the fighting and making it brighter and more happier to the audience.The colours also relate to the colouring of the Reading festival logo linking it all into the audience as the magazine has the same audience as the people who visit Reading Festival it also links well to the whole house style of the magazine.The font is all in capitals with some big font and small fonts used, which makes it stand out more and seem more exciting from the audiences point of view.
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