The magazine I have chosen to analyse is called Q.The Red colouring background of the Q in white contrasts very well together because they are both bright colours that catch the eye very quickly. Making it appealing to the audience who will be willing to buy this magazine when it is on the shelf. The close up of Florence And The Machines face , makes all the front cover based on her, with no other bands or font around her apart from what she is saying inside the magazine. This makes the audiences eyes focus on her and know immediately what the magazine itself is about, this is ideal for the audience who are interested in the singer Florence and the Machine, and I would say the age range for this magazine is for teens to younger adults. The colour Red which is all on the front page including Florence’s hair, immediately directs the reader’s eyes onto the magazine. The cover line son the right hand side of the page are in different sized fonts, with the word Florence in big lettering it points clearly to what artist the magazine is about and also relates to the front cover of the magazine clearly supporting that it looks mostly all about Florence And The Machine. The close up of Florence and the Machine shows clearly her hair colour and make up. Her hair colour being a reddish colour can connotate that the audience is more aimed at women than men , as women look for the colour red, and it also has some sexual connotation which could appeal to men as finding the colour red attractive. Her make up is quite heavy and fierce which can show her personality to the audience making them willing to read more in the magazine about her. On the spine of the magazine each week Q the artists who are included in the magazine are written on the side, so the reader can have extra information and know fully what they are getting before they buy the magazine which will make them more satisfied.
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