Thursday 28 February 2013

Double Page Spread Question Ideas

Have you got any tours lined up for us in the next year?
Are you performing at any up coming festivals?
Whats your favourtie thing to listen to every day?
Do you listen to your own music?
What do you feel like when your music comes on the radio?
How many followers do you have on twitter, and do you every tweet your fans about your music?
How did you begin your singing career?
How was the experience of Reading Festival last year?
How does it feel to knock Florence and the Machine of the top number one charts?

Last contents drafts

Today is my deadline so I am making the final changes to my magazine, I have added in another picture.Now I will make different fonts and styles and sizes of fonts.I also changed the colouring of some of the texts and boxes so the text is easier and clearer to read.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Audience Feedback On Contents Page

I asked many people what they thought of my contents page and how I can make it better, I asked a group of people in my age range of who I aimed my magazine at and the gender of theese people.
They said that I needed to vary the font styles more, to show more difference in the software I am using.Also to think about the background of the image of the boy, it should be plain and not with other things in the back.I will make theese changes to my contents page and post them when I have made them.

Contents drafts

I did more drafts of my contents page today, I made some more changes by adding in lines to serperate the cover lines about what is included in the magazine so it is clearer and easier for the reader to see.I also put in a bubble "best mag of 2012" which will appeal to the audience.Tommorow I will add in a picture from a live performance of Labrinth and then I will make some last changes to my contents page.As tommorow is my deadline.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

More Contents Drafts

Today I added more pictures to my contents page and organised the boxes so they look more professional and fit better into the contents.I used some more technology like photo shop to edit my images.Where I have edited the image it has cut some of the boys head out.I will gain audience feed back on this and make the changes to it.I added columns into my contents page so that it was more lined up and looked more professional.I also centred and lined the font, and put a white backgroun against my page numbers because it looked better and blended more with the images in the contents page.

Monday 25 February 2013

Contents Drafts

Over half term I thought of some ideas for my contents page.I will add more images of people to put into my contents page and add more cover lines throughout, I need to think of more ideas to put into my contents page to make it more appealing to the audience.I think the image I have included in the middle is good because it shows that the magazine is to do with music.Also the girl was featured on the front of my article, and in the contents she is again the main focus.Therefore this shows to the audience that the magazines main focus is this artist,linking the magazine together with genre audience and house style.

Audience Feedback on front cover

Over half term I gained some audience feedback of my front cover.I asked mainly females of the age range I have aimed my magazine at, and they thought that the colouring of the fonts of my magazine blended in very well.Also they thought that there was many different fonts and sizes of fonts.However they said that I needed to include more cover lines and arrange the texts in more neater places.I also took some more pictures and was trying to think up ideas of what I can use to do for my contents page.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Mrs D

Well done Charlotte, again you have reached your deadline early. The mes works well and the image is effective. I'm still not sure you have integration of text and image right and some more varied font in your cover lines would improve your grade. Keep up the good work.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Final Front cover drafts

Theese are ideas for my final front cover,over the half term I will gain audience feedback of what people think I need to change about what I have done, I will then make theese changes.My favorite front cover so far is the top one.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Front cover drafts

For my front cover I have chosen to use the image of the girl playing the guitar.I chose this because it links well to my audience and also gives the audience a clue that it is a music magazine as they may think it could be something else.I have started to add some cover lines onto my magazine and I will keep drafting theese.I am seeing which colours look best, and seeing which way things are organised and how they look best on my magazine.I think my master head is in a clear and obvious place in order for the audience to see it well and clearly.

Audience Feedback Front Cover

Lydia Female (16)-
I think that the front cover should be of either theese two images.I think the grey goes very well in the font it is in and the headline is very clear and links well to the audience and the image used in the cover.There is also enough space to place headlines around the image.The images are very direct and could appeal to the audience more, the blank background behind the girl put more emphasis on her and her appearence.

Nicole Female (17)-
For the front cover I think you should use this image.I think this because it fits very well with the genre and aims well to the audience of the magazine.There are also some good props included which shows you were thinking about the audience when you were taking the shots.The master head also looks very bright and appealing and will catch the audiences eye.It also contrasts very well with the black and white background as it stands out from the rest of it.Direct address from the girl being photographed also gives the audience a more personal feel to the magazine.

Monday 11 February 2013

Front cover ideas

Using time in my lessons today and yesterday I have been potential images for my front cover.I have added the title onto the images to see what the heading will look like with the front cover ideas, this will help me to decide which colour master head to use and which picture I should use for my front cover.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Photoshoots and potential images

Theese are potential images that I want to use in my magazine,They are all of different angles and shots of the artist that I want to be featured in my magazine, This artist will be included in my front cover,contents and double page spread.They are clear shots of the artist to feature her clearly as it is important for the audience to see she is the main focus of my magazine, Her facial features can also show the atmoshphere and mood of the magazine before the audience begin to read it.The images need to link clearly to the genre of my magazine,I think theese images do this very well.I think if i used some of theese images on my front cover and throughout it would help to grab the readers attention.The props that I have included throughout the images help to link to the genre of my magazine.

Audience Feedback- Name Ideas

Over the weekend I have been gaining audience feedback of my new name for my magazine.Many people said it was a much better name and fitted the magazine very well.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Name Ideas

I have decided to change the name of my magazine, I decided to do this because I might be copyrighting from another company called music matters.I also thought that the word niche would be more appealing to my audience and it also fits in with the genre as the audience I am aiming my magazine at is a niche market.

Mrs D

Well done Charlotte. You have completed your planning ahead of schedule and you have got some lovely ideas. The colours and vintage style runs through your images well. Your images are great, just think about the framing as you have cropped off her elbow. Have another look at the ideas behind your title of your front cover. You need to link to the vintage style.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Location Shots

Theese location shots I took are ideal for my magazines genre because it seems very vintage and indie.Also I have included some pictures of females this is to aim the magazine specifically at the woman audience, in order for them to have a role model or inspire them to look like a woman on my magazine.That way they will also be more encouraged into buying the magazine as it will inspire and appeal to them more.

Audience Feedback-Colour Schemes

For my audience feedback I asked audiences of different genres what colour they think I should base my magazine on aiming specifically at the genre and audience. I asked females mostly because they are my specific audience for my magazine therefore I want it to appeal to them more than a male audience.From my audience feedback the most popular colours were colours 2 and 3, this shows that theese colours are the ones that are most appealing and will be ideal for the audience of my magazine.

Maintaining house theme and style/synergy

Throughout my magazine I will use the same fonts,colour schemes and language.An example of this is that on the front cover there will be either the purple grey and black or the pink grey and black.The pink colouring will be used mostly for fonts that are most important e.g cover lines on the front cover and contents page which are the main articles and would seem more appealing to the audience, I am doing this because I think it will appeal well to the audience and be clear to them what the information is about.It will also contrast well with the black and white background.It will show the consistency of the magazine and show that is professional and links well together throughout.I will have the same font throughout for my logo and magazine name, so it is clear throughout and is similar all the way through,For my other fonts I will have the same throughout for cover lines,articles etc.The language I will decide to use in my magazine will not be very formal or very informal.I would like to base it in the middle because if slang was used throughout my magazine it would appeal to a much younger and immature audience,therefore my audience wouldnt be interested in reading it.Also if I had very formal language throughout this would appeal to a much more formal audience of music , and a different genre of a

Test Shots

Theese are my test shots for an ideal artist I would like to include in my magazine.I chose one direct adress shot that directly addresses the audience as she is looking straight into the camera.I feel that theese images are very powerful and will appeal to the female audience and seem strong.This can show females as being dominant and powerful, Also the mise en scene and the characters appearence would appeal highly to the genre of the audience I am aiming my magazine at, this is because the girl in the photos seems very indie/rock because of her appearence and style she portrays.

Layout Design-Double Page Spread

This double page spread layout shows clearly to the audience where everything is set out and located so they can read different sections of information at different times and view different images clearly.The double page spread will include an interview with my chosen artist or band with some images included and some information about themselves and their tour dates.The heading and sub heading will give off some information to the reader before they begin to read the article this will be persuasive and encouraging in order for them to want to read the article.This is effective as the most appealing on the page will be the images , therefore the sub heading and heading will link the whole article together well as the images will be mainly focused on the artist and their appearance etc.A drop cap will appear in the first text box of the double page spread the one under the heading and sub heading this will follow in the colours of the house style of purple,grey and black.I think this is a good double page spread layout because it is visually good to look at making it more appealing and easier to read, also it gives all the information in little clear bits making it more easier for the audience.

Layout Design-Contents Page

I feel this layout would appeal very well to the audience of my magazine as the information for everything is set out very clear and seems easy to read.The title and the inside this week information is also in the center at the top of the page,this encourages the reader to look on and encourage them to read the contents page for extra information on how to access which article they want to read.The images will all relate to what is featured within the magazine, with little articles at the bottom so the audience have some information of what the stories include.I would include page numbers on the side of each article.The background colour will be white,and all font will be black, however I will put the page numbers in the light purple colour house scheme of my magazine so they are more appealing and eye catching for the audience.

Layout Designs-Front Cover

This was my first idea for the front cover of my magazine.This picture shows clearly the magazine name at the top and the logo both on the top on the left hand side of the page.This will appeal well to the audience as it will be in the biggest font on my page This is sometimes different to normal magazines so therefore can be a different visual layout to the audience and may appeal to them in a particular way.However it is similar to some magazines e.g NME however NME is very popular and appeals to their audience well.The main image on the front cover looks almost like a background of the magazine and it fills all of the cover up the cover lines,other images and articles will be placed on top in order to see things clearly.The cover lines will relate to articles included in the magazine so the reader will have a clear insight on where to look to find the information in the magazine and decide whether they should purchase the magazine.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Colour schemes

I have been researching different colours that I can use in my music magazine.The genre is indie/pop so I have taken this into alot of consideration with the colours that symbolise and repsresent this.Many indie/rock magazines use dark colours and then contrast this with one bright colour against two dark colours for example NME used Pink,black and white on their front cover when I researched this magazine for RMA.When theese colours are combined together they create alot of impact on the audience as it is very appealing and boldly set out to them.  I feel like theese colours would create a rough and rebellious look to the magazine but also the pink will aim it more towards the female audience of the magazine and it will appeal more bright and bold when it is placed on the shelfs.

I would like to use either colour number 3 or 4 in my magazine.However I will get audience feedback on theese colours and see which ones they think I should be using.

Monday 4 February 2013

Mrs D

There are some good ideas here Charlotte. I like the vintage feel. Don't forget to get some audience feedback too.

Mood board for magazine

I like the black and white colours that i have in most of my pictures, as it would relate well to the genre of my magazine and the type of audience who will be reading it.I also like some of the sepia tones that some of the pictures have as it looks quite vintage and indie.Relating well to the genre of the magazine.The artists I have included pictures of are Florence And The Machine and Lan Del Ray, I chose to include theese artists because they have the type of genre music I am focusing my magazine on.The clothing pictures I have included are all girls clothes,which again relates to the audience of my magazine as it is mostly aimed at a woman audience,also this can inspire girls and women by the artists appearence and the clothing pictures.All the pictures of clothing generally relate to the indie style of clothing which is sort of vintage and hippie classic.For my pictures I will be taking to go inside my magazine I will base the hair natually and quite long and wavy, to target my audience and appeal to the female audience.