Tuesday 5 February 2013

Colour schemes

I have been researching different colours that I can use in my music magazine.The genre is indie/pop so I have taken this into alot of consideration with the colours that symbolise and repsresent this.Many indie/rock magazines use dark colours and then contrast this with one bright colour against two dark colours for example NME used Pink,black and white on their front cover when I researched this magazine for RMA.When theese colours are combined together they create alot of impact on the audience as it is very appealing and boldly set out to them.  I feel like theese colours would create a rough and rebellious look to the magazine but also the pink will aim it more towards the female audience of the magazine and it will appeal more bright and bold when it is placed on the shelfs.

I would like to use either colour number 3 or 4 in my magazine.However I will get audience feedback on theese colours and see which ones they think I should be using.

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