Wednesday 6 February 2013

Maintaining house theme and style/synergy

Throughout my magazine I will use the same fonts,colour schemes and language.An example of this is that on the front cover there will be either the purple grey and black or the pink grey and black.The pink colouring will be used mostly for fonts that are most important e.g cover lines on the front cover and contents page which are the main articles and would seem more appealing to the audience, I am doing this because I think it will appeal well to the audience and be clear to them what the information is about.It will also contrast well with the black and white background.It will show the consistency of the magazine and show that is professional and links well together throughout.I will have the same font throughout for my logo and magazine name, so it is clear throughout and is similar all the way through,For my other fonts I will have the same throughout for cover lines,articles etc.The language I will decide to use in my magazine will not be very formal or very informal.I would like to base it in the middle because if slang was used throughout my magazine it would appeal to a much younger and immature audience,therefore my audience wouldnt be interested in reading it.Also if I had very formal language throughout this would appeal to a much more formal audience of music , and a different genre of a

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