Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Layout Design-Double Page Spread

This double page spread layout shows clearly to the audience where everything is set out and located so they can read different sections of information at different times and view different images clearly.The double page spread will include an interview with my chosen artist or band with some images included and some information about themselves and their tour dates.The heading and sub heading will give off some information to the reader before they begin to read the article this will be persuasive and encouraging in order for them to want to read the article.This is effective as the most appealing on the page will be the images , therefore the sub heading and heading will link the whole article together well as the images will be mainly focused on the artist and their appearance etc.A drop cap will appear in the first text box of the double page spread the one under the heading and sub heading this will follow in the colours of the house style of purple,grey and black.I think this is a good double page spread layout because it is visually good to look at making it more appealing and easier to read, also it gives all the information in little clear bits making it more easier for the audience.

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