Monday 4 February 2013

Mood board for magazine

I like the black and white colours that i have in most of my pictures, as it would relate well to the genre of my magazine and the type of audience who will be reading it.I also like some of the sepia tones that some of the pictures have as it looks quite vintage and indie.Relating well to the genre of the magazine.The artists I have included pictures of are Florence And The Machine and Lan Del Ray, I chose to include theese artists because they have the type of genre music I am focusing my magazine on.The clothing pictures I have included are all girls clothes,which again relates to the audience of my magazine as it is mostly aimed at a woman audience,also this can inspire girls and women by the artists appearence and the clothing pictures.All the pictures of clothing generally relate to the indie style of clothing which is sort of vintage and hippie classic.For my pictures I will be taking to go inside my magazine I will base the hair natually and quite long and wavy, to target my audience and appeal to the female audience.

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